Based at the Whitehaven Academy site.

Examination Board


Entry Criteria

5 GCSE passes at Grade 4 and above, which must include Maths, English and 4-4 in either Combined or Separate Science GCSEs.


Unit 1: 1 x 2 hour externally set exam

Unit 2: Internally assessed portfolio

Unit 3: Tasks set and marked externally under supervised conditions.

Part A: The scenario and practical investigation is given to learners 8 days beforehand and is undertaken under supervision in a single session of 3 hours

Part B: A set task that is undertaken under supervision in a single session of 1.5 hours.

Optional Unit: Internally assessed portfolio

Why you should study Applied Science

What is BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science?

For anyone who sees their future career in Science the Level 3 Extended Certificate in Applied Science is an excellent starting point. It covers a wide range of topics across biology, chemistry and physics and will allow you to acquire a high level of practical laboratory skills from which the theory is then drawn.

Course Content

Year 1 (BTEC Certificate)
Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science
This unit allows learners to develop their knowledge and understanding of core concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which provide a strong basis for anyone wanting to progress in any science-related career. Topics covered include the study of the chemistry of the elements, the structure and function of cells and tissues as well as the use of waves in communication.

Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques
This unit allows learners to develop their practical skills in core laboratory techniques. Learners will have the opportunity to become proficient in carrying out titrations, colorimetry, calorimetry, and thin layer chromatography. The skills developed in this unit will help learners develop their confidence in carrying out laboratory-based work in their future studies in Higher Education and industry.

Year 2 (BTEC Extended Certificate)
Unit 3: Scientific Investigation Skills
This unit allows learners to build upon and extend their science skills and knowledge from Units 1 and 2 as well as in carrying out scientific investigations. Learners will develop their knowledge of plants and the environment, enzymes, the movement of molecules, the energy content of fuels, and electrical circuits, in addition to their skills in carrying out a scientific investigation.
A further optional unit will then be studied in one of the following course areas:
• Physiology of Human Body Systems
• Human Regulation and Reproduction
• Biological Molecules and Metabolic Pathways
• Genetics and Genetic Engineering
• Diseases and Infections
• Applications of Inorganic Chemistry
• Applications of Organic Chemistry
• Electrical Circuits and their Application
• Astronomy and Space Science

Skills Developed, Progression and Possible Future Careers

Skills Developed:
• Practical laboratory skills
• Report writing
• Time management
• Independent research
• Working in a group or team
• Oral communication
• Presentation skills
• Appreciation of the world of work
• Information technology skills

Progression and Possible Future Careers
Higher Education for degree courses in science-related subjects, engineering and the manufacturing industry
Careers in commerce, Civil Service, pharmaceuticals, energy industry, science and development and computing
Further apprenticeships in technical areas